Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Klaus und Werner

Well, Gordon the first passed away after only a couple of days. It was a sad day. We now have Gordon the second, and also Klaus and Werner, in the photo above. They are Cherry Barbs, they seem to enjoy each other a lot, and is fun to watch them doing little dances and chasing each other around. Luckily they seem to be okay with the other tank inhabitants.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Bottom feeder

It took 6 weeks, but finally our tank is cycled, meaning we can get some roomies for our five neon tetras (you can see one in the background and very out of focus). This is one of the new inhabitant of our tank, a catfish. Since (s)he is a bottom feeder we are thinking of naming him/her either Stephen or Gordon. You're vote might sway the final decision.

Oh yes, we also got 3 harlequin rasboras, but boy, are fish hard to photograph with available light and through aquarium glass.

Say what?

Have you ever wandered what rappers are talking about? I know I have, perhaps not being a native english speaker had something to do with it. Thankfully, thanks to this page now I at least have an idea.

Saturday, February 04, 2006


I normally don't pay much attention to these things, but if I get tagged by KerryKLove, by golly, I will answer.

Four Jobs I've Had

Fur salesman (don't ask)
Forklift driver
Computer Programmer
Factory worker

Four Films I Could Watch Over and Over

Aguirre, the Wrath of God
Blood Simple
Before the Rain
City of the Lost Children

Four Places I've Lived

Buenos Aires, Argentina
Barcelona, Spain
Vancouver, BC
(I'm afraid I can only come up with three, unless my head counts as one)

Four TV Shows I Like

Battlestar Galactica (the new one)
Six Feet Under
The Sopranos

Four Foods I Love

Kalvin's hakka style eggplant
Rendang Sapi
Thai Green Curry

Four Daily Websites

Attu sees all

Four Things To Do Before I Die

Visit Japan
Learn to ride a unicycle
Watch Citizen Kane
Shave my head

Four People I'm Tagging

4? with websites? are you kidding?