Saturday, July 09, 2005


Well, we got a disturbing piece of (snail) mail, it consisted of a Seasons Greetings card (it's July for pete's sake!!) with something stuck to it with a piece of tape. On closer inspection it turned out to be a toenail. It came from our friend Adad , and it has a bit of history. Last summer we were in Montreal visiting, and Adad told us about a black toenail. He had followed some internet advice to drill a hole in it so the blood would drain out, which it had and it was starting to look good, and he was happy that he wouldn't lose it. However, later on that day when we were getting ready for the 13th. bacon birthday party (a whole other story) he walked into me, digging said toenail into my foot, resulting in an almost detached toenail. He ended up hosting the party with his foot wrapped in bubble-wrap in a vain attempt to protect it.
Well, it seems he decided I should keep it as a trophy. (I was going to scan the card and post it, but decided against it, since there is enough gross stuff on the net already).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scan and Post! Scan and Post!

5:15 PM  

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