Chain letters work!!!
A good friend of mine who's identity I will protect received one of those 'good luck' letters, you know the kind: 'Send this letter to 5 people and you'll receive good luck in 5 days, send it to 10 people and it will take only 2, send it to 20 and your luck will improve in 1 day, send it to 30 or more and you'll see your luck improve in 3 hours. If you haven't sent this letter in 2 days you'll fry in hell forever' kind of thing. Well, my friend decided that incurring in the wrath of any potential recipients wasn't worth the trouble. With a nagging 'Don't screw around with fate' feeling he pressed the delete button. The next day he won a million dollar house in a lottery. Of course you would have heard about it if instead of winning a house he had been run over by a bus, or if he had actually sent that stupid letter as adviced. And the moral of the story is... heck, I don't know, I'm sure there is a moral there somewhere.
Maybe the moral of the story is ...
Don't leave EVERYTHING to a f&&^%##ing Lottery ticket every once in a while.....
Don Pedro
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